Academic Program

Currently the Department has 4 Divisions for the research and Academic purpose.

  1. Climate and Weather Division
  2. Atmospheric Environment Division
  3. Hydrology and Flood Division
  4. Cryosphere and Water Resources Division

Central Department of Hydrology and Meteorology offers two years (four Semesters) M.Sc. courses and three years Ph. D program.

M.Sc. Syllabus Overview

First semester Second semester Third semester Fourth semester
Synoptic Meteorology Satellite and Radar Meteorology Atmospheric Chemistry Internship
Physical Climatology Dynamical Modeling and Forecasting Climate Modeling and Climate Change Field Work
Dynamical Meteorology Micrometeorology Dendro-Climatology Term papers and proposal defense
Cloud Physics and Atmospheric Electricity Glaciology Isotope Study Thesis
General Hydrology Statistical Hydrology Hydrological modeling
Snow Hydrology Hydrometry Research methodology
Hydro-meteorological Disasters Case study and class presentation
Elective Courses for III Semester (any one): Water Resources, Environmental aspect of Hydrometeorology, Agricultural Meteorology, Monsoon Meteorology, and Mountain Hydro-Meteorology
Computer Skills (Programming, Grads, Surfer, MATLAB, GIS, RAOB) Meteorology Climatology Hydrology Case study and class presentation Elective