Completed Projects

Climate Change of Khumbu region

In 2006, Project on Climate Change of Khumbu region was conducted. The project was funded by WWF-Nepal.

The First National Communication for IPCC

In 2002/03, the First National Communication for IPCC was prepared. Project was supported by UNEP.


In 1998, NASDA/ESCAPE Project on application of satellite imageries for investigation of natural processes at high altitude regions of Nepal was initiated. This project was funded by Japanese Government.

Meteorology and combustion particles

During 1995/96, study of meteorology and combustion particles in Kathmandu and Khumbu Himal was conducted with City College of New York, USA. One article was published in Atmospheric Environment (international journal), three scientific reports and many conference papers were also published.

Glaciers of Khumbu and Langtang regions

During 1987 – 2004 various field oriented research on Glaciers of Khumbu and Langtang regions of Nepal were carried out with Japanese Scientists from Nagoya and Hokaido Universities.

Collaborative scientific research programs

Since its inception, this department has been conducting various collaborative scientific research programs with different national as well as international organizations.